Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Disaster Collage (Art Journal)

The theme of this project was the word disaster. What I had to do was create a collage using tissue paper and magazines. I also looked up pictures on the internet of disasters to use on this piece. I made this project my own by creating an original background with paper tissue and adding a quote that gave a postive take on disasters. "Only after disaster can we be resurrected." The only problem I had with this project is the fact that I spelled disaster wrong in my quote. Over all I like how it looks and I think I really grew with creating collages. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Land Art

In this project Ally and I created a unique piece of land art. We used real leaves to create texture and a realistic element to our project. We got this idea from images we'd seen from Pinterest, but made it our own. We made it original by adding water color and sharpie. We added a person swinging on one of the trees to make it unique. I am overall proud of this project because it creates a happy and postive mood when you look at it. 

Thursday, May 29, 2014


The theme of this story was to make art that tells a story. The message of my piece was to seize the day, also known as carpe diem. The idea of carpe diem is based all around time. A clique object that makes me people think of time is an hour glass. I incorporated the sun and the moon into the hour glass to represent day going into night. I found this image on the internet and and somewhat used it in my piece. 
I made my piece original by putting the sun and moon into the hour glass and not copying the exact details of the sun and moon. Over all I pleased with this project. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

DC Trip

The trip to DC was fun and tiring. I was running on three hours of sleep the entire day, but the trip was well worth it. We explored the art museums and also the DC area itself. It was cherry blossom season, which made the surrounding area even more beautiful. Here are some of the pictures I took of my favorite art pieces, and some I took of the scenery.

Monday, May 5, 2014


The theme of this project was perspective and what fuels me. Music is my main inspiration and motivator in my daily life. One of my favorite bands is the Beatles. In this project I tried to recreate their album cover Abbey Road. The album cover uses one point perspective. 
I decided not to include any people or cars in the picture to simplify it. My medium of choice was chalk pastels, a rather hard medium to work with. I had trouble blending and keeping this project neat. I am not very pleased with the results but I like my concept.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


In this project I learned a lot about the value of shading and adding values. In order to make this project look realistic shading and values were key elements. I used colored pencils as my medium and learned how to create values with them. I gained a skill with a familiar material. I wish I had colored this piece darker but over all I am pleased.

Saturday, April 12, 2014


Picture of Charles Darwin, creator of the theory survival of the fittest. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014


I used my own ideas in this project by picking what I thought was pop art. This is a picture of tyler the creator, a person who I think most could recognize. In this project I learned how difficult printmaking is. They're are many layers to create just one small image. The more layers I did the easier it became. If I had been neater I think my project would've come out better, but I am happy with the results. 

Friday, March 14, 2014


This gif relates to me because it represents my love for music

Friday, March 7, 2014


Art is visually expressing yourself through different ways of sculpture, painting, drawings, ect. 
Art is visually expressing yourself through different senses. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Oragami Project

Dont ask.


In Progress
I picked the theme explore for my project. I incorporated this theme by painting a picture of a famous bridge in Italy. This would be considered exploring to me. I used water color as my medium in this picture because I feel they are best when trying to show the movement of water. I had trouble painting small details with the water colors. 

I'm most proud of the water in this picture because I think the movement of the water looks realistic. I wish I could change alot of things in this picture. Mainly make it look more realistic and three dimensional. I learned alot about perception in this project and how hard it is to accomplish. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Two in One Project

Peace and War
 In Progress/Sketch
The theme two in one means to mix two opposite things together. In my project I drew a gun to represent war and flowers and peace signs to represent peace. I used a felt tip sharpie and a thin tipped sharpie as my medium. I had a hard time creating the tie dye background.

I am happy with the results of my project, I am most proud of how my gun turned out because I think it looks semi realistic. If I was to change anything I would probably change the tie dye background because it doesn't even look that tie dye-ish. Again I incorporated the theme by mixing peace and war together which are two opposite elements.